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Takes a job as a day trader at a distance is a good choice? best position in Finance?

Takes a job as a day trader at a distance is a good choice? What is the best position in Finance? and what is the best company and / or training comes to us?
Financial Advisor? Trader? Investment banker?
Thank you in advance
System forex currency trading answers:

Finance is a large area with a wide range of roles. Each requires different skills and each of the awards to an equally wide range. For example, the type with which you speak, if you go to the bank on the main road, is not that probably make it in IB. However, a growing market traders crash and burn in a role-based client ...

To close, there is no "best position" in Finance objectively - you need to know where the best position for you. But honestly, you must take the initiative and learn about as much as you can, and it is perhaps not the best way. There are some great books introductory finance, explaining the differences between IA and IB, read them and then decide what you need to do to get where you want to be. Simple Search for finance and markets.

Mary asks ...
What is intraday trading? Is there a school in Chennai?

She is a housewife with children and family commitments daily. With more interest in the trading of shares and the background of the trading accounts is such a small-business returns can be made at home by spending 4-5 hours with little investment?

The questions are:

Each prime Chennai property, organizing courses on intraday trading and instructions before them.

Second or other options for learning and apply it.

Third Books and magazines when reading all.

The fourth important characteristics for a day trader, as a woman.

5th Infra-structure necessary for the home.

6th The minimum investment for a start.

The seventh Dos and Do nots.

Please, give your shower experience and guidance to be considered in this case.
System forex currency trading answers:

I think you start with as little as $ 500 with some brokers, but I think it is difficult to work with the small sum. $ 5000 is a better number. With this money you can buy 100 shares of a stock of $ 20 and still have some money in the account. If you buy 100 shares and the stock rises to $ 1, you have $ 100 less commissions, you have to pay. With Scottrade, commissions would be $ 7 to buy and sell for $ 7.

You do not need a real fast machine ... The work itself, a 400 MHz Pentium, but you need an Internet connection can be special all day. DSL, cable or wireless are better than dial-up. Plus the computer screen, the better ... or you get a graphics card, 2 or 4 monitors work. You need to look at pictures, etc.

NOT trading penny stocks .... Stocks that are only a few cents. Start with the established companies, the real benefits. I lost a lot of money to give this advice. I see this stock falling so fast that your money within minutes.

Do not buy stocks that come to you in e-mails.

Do not follow the advice of chat rooms on Yahoo or Paltalk. You can listen and learn, but there are many scam artists to make a living by "pumping" the actions that are worthless.

If you get an account with a company like Scottrade, there are many materials you can read everything on their site. There are many stock trading sites you can find online. You really do not need to buy many books.

I want to buy there are companies that will get to know personally, stable and reliable. Buy the days that the market is down, to get the stock prices of most stocks. Then hold for better days. If the stock has continued to fall, do not buy it until it began management.

Practical thanks to paper trade before trading with real money ....

Good luck!

Laura asks ...
Will stock markets to be more stable if the trade were eliminated on the left to professionals and day traders?

It seems to me that since the day traders (those authorized to negotiate every day across the network without the advice of professionals), and would trade on the pros who have been left to really understand and have been trained and educated in the market that stocks be more stable in the whole world and America.
For example: Hurricane Katrina: Gas prices almost doubled in America. But America gets most of its oil and gas from Canada, South America and the Middle East and we have reservations in Utah, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Alaska. There was no other reason than greed and speculation to raise prices.
System forex currency trading answers:

First, gasoline prices rose during Katrina, because the refineries, oil was made in the gas damaged. Oil was still abundant, but without refineries, gas was scarce. A very large percentage of the U.S. refineries have been in this field. And when you talk about Natgas, you can have a lot of this around the world, but it is very expensive, well beyond the region that produces it in. Yes, the traffic, we could get Natgas get from Canada, but it is in the Gulf region, if not the infrastructure in place is another matter.

Then, when you say a day trader, you must be precise. When someone talks about the day traders, they usually mean small traders to trade in their homes. The effects of these traders in the market as a whole amounts to a mosquito bite on an elephant. Do high-frequency traders (although it could be a day trader who is not the correct definition of the nature of their trade) have an effect on volatility. They can accommodate up to 75% of the volume of trade on major exchanges in a day account. And hedge funds. And, as we learn in the last 2 weeks, it may be that the proliferation of ETFs is really exacerbate volatility.

But do not think that if you eliminate the volatility to eliminate handling. It would be easier to manipulate a market, if you reduce liquidity, HFT offers.

Linda asks ...
They should be paid if you are a current (UK) called?

I work for a really good company and if I have a need to participate in the field, so I have to be paid. However, my son works for a private contractor, he sent him on a course of three days, which was necessary for his work. He said he did not pay him when he had to pay for the course. I really do not think that's true, but nobody knows what the law really means?
System forex currency trading answers:

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is a legal requirement that employers provide adequate training to employees to avoid endangering themselves and others. Get proper advice from ACAS first.

Get your son to all the details that may be collected as: -
What individual entrepreneurs to do what your son has done what was done, of course, what it costs, it is required by law, training, what would have happened if n was not present and any other relevant information.
Then call ACAS and explain everything to them, they should be able to give your son good advice. (See link below)

Be warned, if your son goes for the boss can not love and that life could be tough, even worse, he may lose the job.

George asks ...
The Dow Jones plunged to 8579.19 why it grew so much over the past 6 years, anyway?

Was he motivated by greed? we had nothing to do in the U.S. economy as high as it was now time to adjust, it is my own feeling that we just have to roll and just leave again, that all reasonable bankers sorry that you, the day traders and brokers will skim over your what is your thought?
And there was much more like commercial mortgage lenders, and appraisers, but the main culprit, as I see it, the banks your thoughts?
System forex currency trading answers:

Yes, it was greed, but it was driven by the real estate market and credit relatively easy transitions would use this credit to buy more shares. Credit constraints that are put less money for the actions of ions / obligations, and these funds could be sold to replenish the capital.

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