Camarilla level indicator

Camarilla level indicator
Trading with Camarilla is very easy, Camarilla it self is often used in forex trading as support and resistance. If you use pivot point, support and resistance as a trading tools, you will be familiar to with camarilla. Camarilla formula equation in forex trading calculates 8 levels of support and resistance, based on yesterday high, low, open, and close. Camarilla indicator has five (5) levels above yesterday close , and they called with level H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5. And Camarillas has five (5) levels below yesterday close, and they called with L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. But the question are , how we use all of this levels in trading and how to pick the right level to trade with. The strong or the most important levels in camarilla are L3, H3, L4, H4 levels, You can use all of those levels to trade in forex or stock market.

in the nex article I will show you how to trade with camarilla level, How to combine camarilla with the usual pivot point, How to put a stop loss if we trade with camarilla levels, and I will give you recommendation some of camarilla indicator mt4 that you can use it as a tools in your metatrader trading platform.

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