ichimoku patterns

Indicator Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is the most comprehensive indicator among other indicators that have been included into the metatrader platform. completeness are:

Determinants Trend Up or Down (Weak, Moderate, Strong)
Determinants of Entry and Exit Signals
Determinants of Support and Resistance

Very complete is not it? in general if we want to use the Ichimoku we do not need to add other indicators. Because Ichimoku itself was very complete and has too many lines that meet your monitor screen. Often if you add another indicator you will get confused reading it.

To learn how to form the reference before the Ichimokers more information, please click here

If you already understand the explanation of You may continue to read this, but if you do not understand please read repeatedly explanation of it until you really understand.

My opinion for someone who is good at using Ichimoku can be called also by the Ichimoker (Master Ichimoku). And it is a title that is not beautiful to hear:)? As such, let the writings of this hopefully we can become the real Ichimokers! I'm not a master but with this blog I tried to find a bright spot in the Forex. These writings show the level of ability is what I mainly use the Ichimoku Forex. more and more and more obvious then so did my ability. OK? we started the lesson ....

Ichimoku is used for Long Term Trading only, and can not be used for Short Term Trading, because often in its use, we are slow to enter the market as it waits for a Strong Signal appears. Of course Pips produced less than it should, but in this case becomes greater profit opportunities than the Loss.

Ichimoku on default parameters used to use to Time Frame D1, as told at the time of Ichimoku is made, in those days tended Trading Weekly Monthly even knowing why, maybe at that price movements are very slow when compared to now. So whether you're a Swinger? If so just use the default parameters because it's what Ichimoku actually made. But you are not a Swinger Quote, alternatively you could be a Day Trader by clicking the configuration parameters. You can not use the Ichimoku Scalping because certainly you will lose a lot of opportunity because it's the slow nature of the Ichimoku.

Consider the figure below ...

ichimoku patterns
Seen that in the picture above, I use Time Frame H1, due to adjust to game conditions for Day Traders, it also gives a chance to reset the parameters to be:

ichimoku patterns

Why should be changed? the answer is to increase the sensitivity and display the data more accurate. And what I can from these parameters? I got it from one of the products

One thing that make me curious is why the Ichimoku is often seen not precise for the pair EURUSD? Answer to mind while I, perhaps because most traders chose this pair for Trading, and they chose this because brokers usually offer spreads are very low. the activities of traders in the pair also affected the movement of the pair price and other related pair.

And below are examples of Entry which I did with Ichimoku.
ichimoku patterns

Ichimoku Patterns: Detecting Long Term Reversals | ichi360
I feel sorry as most of the times Ichimoku is not understood properly in the Western World, just try google it and all you will find is the typical trade setups such

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